Gender is presented in TV dramas in completely different
ways, depending on whether they are female or male. For example, women are often
represented as being part of a context like family, friends or colleagues in
order to think and work as part of a team. However, in TV dramas they tend to
take the role of a helper; as a passive character rather than an active
character. This therefore portrays them as an object through the eyes of the
male gaze. This can often be shown through a number of camera angles such as
the over the shoulder shot. When shot over the shoulder of a woman, it
represents that the man is the main character as the camera is focused solely
on him with the woman being a passive character with the role of supporting the male lead. Furthermore, the clothes that women
wear are often deliberately provocative in an attempt to lure viewers in
through the view of the male gaze and therefore the women actors also being
part of the selling point, objectifying them further.
On the other hand, male characters are usually represented as isolated, as not needing to rely on others, portraying them as the lone hero. Male characters will most likely be shot in the low angle shot to give them an appearance of a more dominant figure
This task isn't entirely complete - there should be examples from TV dramas included, as well as more detail around both genders, but particularly the male.